Registration open for free upcoming event: “Language matters: communication, culture and society”
CASS is excited to announce an upcoming event at the International Anthony Burgess Foundation in Manchester on Thursday 12th November from 4pm-9pm. “Language matters: communication, culture and society” is a mini-series of four informal talks showcasing the impact of language on society. The timely themes will be presented in an approachable manner that will be…
New CASS project: Big data media analysis and the representation of urban violence in Brazil
A new project in CASS has been funded jointly by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council and the Brazilian research agency CONFAP. The project will involve a collaboration between two Lancaster academics (Professors Elena Semino and Tony McEnery) and two Brazilian academics: Professor Heloísa Pedroso de Moraes Feltes (University of Caxias do Sul) and…
Participate in our ESRC Festival of Social Sciences “Language Matters” event online
We are very pleased like to announce an event that we are live streaming on YouTube and Google+ next week. We hope you can find time to attend online*; if not, the recording will be available on YouTube afterwards. From 1730 – 1900 GMT on 4 November, the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social…
iCourts and CASS formalise collaboration, begin first joint project
Last week, I had the honour of returning to iCourts, a centre of excellence for international courts dedicated to investigating the role of international courts in globalising legal order, as well as their impact on politics and society. iCourts is funded by the Danish National Research Foundation and located at the University of Copenhagen. During…
Rude Britannia – what our politeness says about our nation
Britain is still a nation of polite people and fears that texts, tweets and Facebook are making people ruder is a myth, according to research from Lancaster University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS). The British are famous for their reserve, indirect way of saying things and a love of queuing. However, new research…
ESRC Summer School in Corpus Approaches to Social Science 2013: feedback
In the week of 16th – 19th July 2013, CASS organised the first Summer school for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers in social science disciplines with an interest in the methods of corpus linguistics. Twenty participants from 15 different Higher Education institutions form the UK and overseas (Israel, Brazil, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy) attended the…
Elena Semino, Veronika Koller, and Zsófia Demjén investigating ‘good’ and ‘bad’ deaths in interviews with hospice managers
What is a ‘good’ or a ‘bad’ death from the point of view of health professionals who work in hospices? As part of the CASS affiliated project ‘Metaphor in End of Life Care’ at Lancaster University (funded by the Economic & Social Research Council), we tried to find out. We conducted interviews with 15 hospice…
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CASS Briefings
CASS: Briefings is a series of short, quick reads on the work being done at the ESRC/CASS research centre at Lancaster University, UK.
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