CHIMED-3: The third International Conference on Historical Medical Discourse
Photo credit: Niall Curry On two (mostly) sunny May days last week, CHIMED-3, the third International Conference on Historical Medical Discourse was held at the beautiful and very apt location of Mary Ward House, in London. Built in 1898, the building has housed a great many initiatives to support education, community, health, wellbeing and the arts,…
‘Collaborations between Linguistics and the Professions’ event – Three participants’ views
On 4th-6th March 2019, we organised an event on ‘Collaborations between Linguistics and the Professions’. If you missed it, here are three reports from early-career researchers – one for each day. Day One – by Mathew Gillings The aim and focus of the Collaborations between Linguistics and the Professions event was to look at connections…
Corpus Linguistics + Language Testing Workshop
‘Corpus-Based Approaches to Language Testing’ was held on Thursday 7th March 2019 and was the second event organised by the Trinity Lancaster Corpus research group at Lancaster University. This event was supported by an ESRC International Networking grant and hosted by the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS). We welcomed 45 people…
CASS in the City
CASS in the City: Introducing BNClab to the general public Last Saturday (9th March) a group of students led by Vaclav Brezina and Dana Gablasova took part in the Campus in the City event, organised by Lancaster University. The main aim of this event is show research highlights to a general audience. So, we decided…
CASS in the 2017 ESRC Festival of Social Science
The ESRC Festival of Social Science is an annual celebration of social science research – comprised of a huge array of public events of all kinds, and designed to promote awareness of UK social science research across the board. This year, it runs from 4th to 11th November. As the team at ESRC says, “You may be surprised at just…
User Involvement: CASS go to CLARIN PLUS workshop
At the beginning of June, I attended the CLARIN PLUS workshop on User Involvement held in the capital Helsinki. CLARIN stands for “Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure”; it is an international research infrastructure which provides scholars in the social sciences and humanities with easy access to digital language data, and also advanced tools to…
Spoken BNC2014 Symposium
On the afternoon of Monday 26th June, CASS hosted a special symposium to celebrate the upcoming public launch of the Spoken British National Corpus 2014 – a corpus which members of CASS and Cambridge University Press have spent the last three years compiling. More than fifty guests attended, representing a mixture of Lancaster Summer Schools…
CASS goes to the Wellcome Trust!
Earlier this month I represented CASS in a workshop, hosted by the Wellcome Trust, which was designed to explore the language surrounding patient data. The remit of this workshop was to report back to the Trust on what might be the best ways to communicate to patients about their data, their rights respecting their data,…
Upcoming CASS Psycholinguistics Seminar
CASS is excited to announce an upcoming half-day research seminar on the theme of “Corpus Data and Psycholinguistics”. The event will take place on Thursday 19th May 2016 at 1-5pm in Furness Lecture Theatre 3. The aim of the event is to bring together researchers with an interest in combining methods from corpus linguistics and…
FireAnt Launch Event
We will be running a launch event and workshop for a new software tool that we have created called FireAnt. The event and workshop will be held from 13:00 to 17:00 on Monday 22nd February 2016 here at Lancaster University. FireAnt was created by Laurence Anthony as part of the 2015 ESRC-funded CASS-affiliated DOOM project on…
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CASS Briefings

CASS: Briefings is a series of short, quick reads on the work being done at the ESRC/CASS research centre at Lancaster University, UK.
Recent Post
- Gaining Momentum: A Scholar’s Journey Through Corpus Linguistics at Lancaster
- Constructions of weight loss in British and Australian newspapers
- Open Advanced Methods Research Group
- Exploring New Horizons in Corpus Linguistics: Lectures, Workshops and Partnerships in Shanghai
- CASS’s innovation programme: New features in #LancsBox X
brazil claire hardaker elena semino islam Islamophobia learner language metaphor metaphor in end of life care paul baker spoken BNC2014 tony mcenery Trinity Lancaster Spoken Learner Corpus trolling twitter vaclav brezina
- Ambassadors
- Anatomy of a troll
- Applications of corpus linguistics
- Big data media analysis and the representation of urban violence in Brazil
- Blogs
- BNC2014
- Call for Papers
- CASS Affiliated Projects
- CASS Briefing
- Challenge Panel
- Changing Climates
- Comparable and Parallel Corpus Approaches to the Third Code
- Distressed Communities
- Events
- General
- Hate Speech
- Healthcare
- iCourts
- Jobs
- L2 language corpora
- Lancs Box
- learner corpora
- MA in Corpus linguistics
- Maritime Security and Piracy Discourses
- Media
- News
- Newspapers
- Newspapers poverty and long-term change
- Post Event Summaries
- Research
- Spatial Humanities
- Spoken BNC2014
- Summer School
- Trinity
- Uncategorized
- Understanding Corporate Communications
- Urban violence