Elena Semino appears on BBC World Service ‘Healthcheck’
CASS project affiliate (and head of department of Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University) Elena Semino was interviewed about the findings of the ESRC-funded project ‘Metaphor in End-of-Life Care’ on the BBC World Service’s programme ‘Healthcheck’, presented by Claudia Hammond. The programme will air four times between 7th and 11th May 2014; the first 15 minutes of the…
Claire Hardaker to appear in “Blurred Lines” documentary on BBC2
“Blurred Lines: The New Battle of the Sexes” looks at contemporary attitudes to women and whether expressions of sexism and misogyny are on the rise. Dr Claire Hardaker appears roughly halfway through, and discusses whether misogyny becomes increasingly extreme online. During the segment, Hardaker considers the case of Caroline Criado-Perez, and two of her trolls…
Jonathan Culpeper talking ‘Sarcasm’ tonight on The One Show
Sarcasm is one of the phenomena that seems to have endless fascination for British people, partly because they are stereotypically associated with it. When did sarcasm first start? Is there something about British culture that makes it flourish? And what is sarcasm anyway? These are some of the questions that Gyles Brandeth of BBC 1’s…
Log Ratio – an informal introduction
In the latest version of CQPweb (v 3.1.7) a new statistic for keywords, collocations and lockwords is introduced, called Log Ratio. “Log Ratio” is actually my own made-up abbreviated title for something which is more precisely defined as either the binary log of the ratio of relative frequencies or the binary log of the relative…
Call for Participation: ESRC Summer School in Corpus Approaches to Social Science
The ESRC Summer School in Corpus Approaches to Social Sciences was inaugurated in 2013; the 2014 event is the second in the series. It will take place 15th to 18th July 2014, at Lancaster University, UK. This free-to-attend summer school takes place under the aegis of CASS (https://cass.lancs.ac.uk), an ESRC research centre bringing a new method in…
“Fighting Words Are Rarer Among British Doctors”: ‘Metaphor in End of Life Care’ project findings featured in the New York Times
Key findings from the CASS-affiliated ‘Metaphor in End of Life Care‘ (MELC) project have been featured in the New York Times. Journalist Paula Span interviews Principal Investigator Elena Semino and compares findings from the UK-based project to her own experiences in the US. Whereas ‘British public health leaders and medical practitioners are more apt to…
Dispatch from YLMP2014
I recently had the pleasure of travelling to Poland to attend the Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań (YLMP), a congress for young linguists who are interested in interdisciplinary research and stepping beyond the realm of traditional linguistic study. Hosted over three days by the Faculty of English at Adam Mickiewicz University, the congress featured over…
How to be a PhD student (by someone who just was), Part 2: Managing your work and working relationships
After submitting and successfully defending my thesis a few months ago, I’ve decided to share some ‘lessons learnt’ over the course of my 38 months as a PhD student. In Part 2 of this series, I’ll talk about best practices for structuring your work, managing your relationship with your supervisor, and my experience with teaching…
“My research trip to the CASS centre” by visiting PhD student Anna Mattfeldt
Several times a year, the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science welcomes visiting researchers, from PhD students to professors. Past visitors include Will Hamlin (Washington State University, USA) and Iuliia Rudych (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany); current visitors include Laurence Anthony (Waseda University, Japan) and Anna Mattfeldt (Heidelberg University, Germany). Before returning to her home university, Anna…
Changing Climates: Crossing Boundaries
Last Friday (28th), CASS had the pleasure to host a cordial meeting in which researchers from CASS and the University of Bergen got together to discuss about their ongoing research on discourses surrounding climate change. The Norwegian team runs the NTAP project (Networks of Texts and People) which aims to explore the flow of information…
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CASS Briefings

CASS: Briefings is a series of short, quick reads on the work being done at the ESRC/CASS research centre at Lancaster University, UK.
Recent Post
- Corpus Linguistics and Law: Reflections of a Legal Scholar and recent Master’s Graduate from Lancaster University
- Gaining Momentum: A Scholar’s Journey Through Corpus Linguistics at Lancaster
- Constructions of weight loss in British and Australian newspapers
- Open Advanced Methods Research Group
- Exploring New Horizons in Corpus Linguistics: Lectures, Workshops and Partnerships in Shanghai
brazil claire hardaker elena semino islam Islamophobia learner language metaphor metaphor in end of life care paul baker spoken BNC2014 tony mcenery Trinity Lancaster Spoken Learner Corpus trolling twitter vaclav brezina
- Ambassadors
- Anatomy of a troll
- Applications of corpus linguistics
- Big data media analysis and the representation of urban violence in Brazil
- Blogs
- BNC2014
- Call for Papers
- CASS Affiliated Projects
- CASS Briefing
- Challenge Panel
- Changing Climates
- Comparable and Parallel Corpus Approaches to the Third Code
- Distressed Communities
- Events
- General
- Hate Speech
- Healthcare
- iCourts
- Jobs
- L2 language corpora
- Lancs Box
- learner corpora
- MA in Corpus linguistics
- Maritime Security and Piracy Discourses
- Media
- News
- Newspapers
- Newspapers poverty and long-term change
- Post Event Summaries
- Research
- Spatial Humanities
- Spoken BNC2014
- Summer School
- Trinity
- Uncategorized
- Understanding Corporate Communications
- Urban violence