Translation and contrastive linguistic studies at the interface of English and Chinese
A forthcoming special issue of Corpus Linguistics and Linguistics Theory, which is guest-edited by Dr Richard Xiao and Professor Naixing Wei, President of the Corpus Linguistics Society of China, is now available online as Ahead of Print at the journal website. This special issue focuses on corpus-based translation and contrastive linguistic studies involving two genetically…
Dr Basil Germond invited to give a talk in the ESRC Seminar Series 2012-14: ‘NATO after Afghanistan’
As an EU maritime specialist, CASS Project Leader Basil Germond was invited to contribute to the panel on the future of NATO in counter-piracy and counter-terrorism by discussing the EU’s experience and what lessons NATO can learn from the Union. Basil’s talk stressed the different levels of readings when it comes to interpreting the narrative…
Rude Britannia – what our politeness says about our nation
Britain is still a nation of polite people and fears that texts, tweets and Facebook are making people ruder is a myth, according to research from Lancaster University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS). The British are famous for their reserve, indirect way of saying things and a love of queuing. However, new research…
CASS awarded £200,000 from landmark ESRC Urgency Grant Scheme
CASS is delighted to announce a successful ESRC application for funding on a project entitled “Twitter rape threats and the discourse of online misogyny” (ES/L008874/1). The award of £191,245.25 was one of the first (possibly even the first) to be made as part of the ESRC’s new Urgency Grants scheme. Under this scheme, applications are…
An afternoon with OFCOM
In August I was invited to visit the Office of Communications (OFCOM) Southwark Bridge Road headquarters beside the Thames, to give a talk as part of Inside OFCOM – a series that has been presented at by such notable figures as Tim Wu, Vint Cerf, and Robert Peston, to name but a few! My remit…
Introducing CASS Challenge Panel Member: Douglas Biber
This week, we are proud to announce Douglas Biber’s membership on the CASS Challenge Panel. Find his brief autobiographical introduction below. I have been interested in lots of different research issues over my career, but for the most part, these have all involved the analysis of linguistic variation in natural texts, and the description of…
Introducing Challenge Panel Member: Karin Aijmer
We are very pleased to announce Karin Aijmer’s membership on the CASS Challenge Panel. An introduction, in her own words: I am Professor Emerita in English Linguistics at the University of Gothenburg. I have been using corpora and corpus-linguistic methods to study topics in several different areas. One of my research areas involves the study…
Is translated Chinese still Chinese?
Is translated Chinese still Chinese? Do translated English and translated Chinese have anything in common? Can the properties observed on the basis of translational English in contrast to comparable non-translated English be generalised to other translational languages? These interesting questions were explored in Dr Richard Xiao’s keynote lecture entitled “Translation universal hypotheses reevaluated from the…
Politeness and impoliteness in digital communication: Corpus-related explorations
Post-event review of the one-day workshop at Lancaster University Topics don’t come much hotter than the forms of impoliteness or aggression that are associated with digital communication – flaming, trolling, cyberbullying, and so on. Yet academia has done surprisingly little to pull together experts in social interaction (especially (im)politeness) and experts in the new media,…
Notes from the 3rd annual Boya Forum 2013 Undergraduate Conference
If, six months ago, you had told me that an assignment I was writing during my undergraduate degree would eventually send me to China for the weekend, I wouldn’t have believed you. However, that is exactly what I found myself doing last weekend, when I travelled to Beijing Foreign Studies University to present at the…
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CASS Briefings

CASS: Briefings is a series of short, quick reads on the work being done at the ESRC/CASS research centre at Lancaster University, UK.
Recent Post
- Corpus Linguistics and Law: Reflections of a Legal Scholar and recent Master’s Graduate from Lancaster University
- Gaining Momentum: A Scholar’s Journey Through Corpus Linguistics at Lancaster
- Constructions of weight loss in British and Australian newspapers
- Open Advanced Methods Research Group
- Exploring New Horizons in Corpus Linguistics: Lectures, Workshops and Partnerships in Shanghai
brazil claire hardaker elena semino islam Islamophobia learner language metaphor metaphor in end of life care paul baker spoken BNC2014 tony mcenery Trinity Lancaster Spoken Learner Corpus trolling twitter vaclav brezina
- Ambassadors
- Anatomy of a troll
- Applications of corpus linguistics
- Big data media analysis and the representation of urban violence in Brazil
- Blogs
- BNC2014
- Call for Papers
- CASS Affiliated Projects
- CASS Briefing
- Challenge Panel
- Changing Climates
- Comparable and Parallel Corpus Approaches to the Third Code
- Distressed Communities
- Events
- General
- Hate Speech
- Healthcare
- iCourts
- Jobs
- L2 language corpora
- Lancs Box
- learner corpora
- MA in Corpus linguistics
- Maritime Security and Piracy Discourses
- Media
- News
- Newspapers
- Newspapers poverty and long-term change
- Post Event Summaries
- Research
- Spatial Humanities
- Spoken BNC2014
- Summer School
- Trinity
- Uncategorized
- Understanding Corporate Communications
- Urban violence