Tag: people

  • Profile: Junior Challenge Panel Member Julian Hargreaves

    Today, we are very pleased to introduce the second Junior Challenge Panel Member of 2013. Julian Hargreaves joins Mark McGlashan to round off this year’s group of junior researchers joining the Challenge Panel. Julian comes to CASS from Criminology, enhancing the cross-disciplinary perspective of the Panel. Here’s what he has to say by way of introduction:…

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  • Profile: Junior Challenge Panel Member Mark McGlashan

    Each year, two early researchers are appointed to the Challenge Panel, where they benefit both from the contact with senior colleagues and from the interdisciplinary nature of the panel’s working environment. We’re pleased to introduce the first 2013 appointment, Lancaster University PhD student Mark McGlashan. Here’s what Mark has to say about himself and his work: I am…

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  • Profile: Chief Project Ambassador Cary Cooper

    We are very proud to introduce Prof. Sir Cary Cooper, the Centre’s Chief Project Ambassador. Prof. Sir Cooper is a Distinguished Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health in Lancaster University’s highly acclaimed Management School, and Chair of the Academy of Social Sciences, and thus has a broad experience of the different disciplines within the Centre’s…

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CASS Briefings

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

CASS: Briefings is a series of short, quick reads on the work being done at the ESRC/CASS research centre at Lancaster University, UK.