Exploring New Horizons in Corpus Linguistics: Lectures, Workshops and Partnerships in Shanghai
At the end of October 2024, I had the privilege of visiting Shanghai and Suzhou. This trip was more than just a visit—it was an inspiring journey through the vibrant academic and research landscape of corpus linguistics in Eastern China. I had the chance to engage with leading research institutions such as Shanghai Jiao Tong…
Introductory Blog – Yufeng Liu ( Kiki )
Hello! My name is Yufeng Liu, also known as Kiki, and I have recently joined the CASS team as a Senior Research Associate on the 4D PICTURE project (https://4dpicture.eu/). This project, funded by the EU Horizon with a budget of nine million euros across sixteen partners, aims to transform health care decision-making in oncology by…
Introductory Blog – Dr Alexandra Krendel
Hello! My name is Alexandra Krendel and I have joined the CASS team as a Senior Research Associate on the Future of Human Reproduction project. This project involves investigating the cultural, ethical, legal and social implications of technological developments in human reproduction such as ectogenesis (pregnancy outside of the womb), in-vitro gametogenesis (creating egg/sperm cells…
Mentoring Social Science Researchers in Corpus Methods and Critical Discourse Analysis: Final Symposium at Keele University
Yuze Sha, with Luke Collins On 25th January, members of the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science joined colleagues from across universities in the North West to participate in a Symposium, celebrating the work of postgraduate students getting to learn how to use methods from corpus linguistics in their existing research. In September…
#LancsBox X: Innovation in corpus linguistics
CASS has always been associated with innovation in corpus linguistics. Innovation comes in different forms and guises such as the creation new corpora and tools as well as novel applications of corpus methods in a wide range of areas of social and linguistic research. With increasing demands on the sophistication of corpus linguistic analyses comes…
Celebrating the Written BNC2014: Lancaster Castle event
On 19 November 2021, The ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS) organised an event to celebrate the launch of the Written British National Corpus 2014 (BNC2024). The event was live-streamed from a very special location: the medieval Lancaster Castle. There were about 20 participants on the site and more than 1,200 participants…
Talking Health Online
On 21 October 2021, the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science hosted a webinar entitled, “Talking Health Online: Why it matters and what linguistics can contribute”, as part of a series of events organised by the International Consortium for Communication in Health Care (IC4CH). The IC4CH is an initiative that brings together language…
Blamed, shamed and at-risk: How have press representations of obesity responded to the COVID-19 pandemic?
There’s no question that all of us within society have been impacted in one way or another by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. However, it’s also the case that the health and wellbeing of certain groups have been particularly affected. A review of evidence on the disparities in the risks and outcomes of COVID-19 carried out…
Tara Coltman-Patel – Introductory Blog
My name is Tara Coltman-Patel and I am so excited to be a new member of CASS. I am working as one of the Senior Research Associates on the ESRC-funded Quo VaDis project: Questioning Vaccination Discourse: A Corpus-Based Study project, which explores discussions about vaccinations in UK parliamentary debates, UK national newspapers and on the…
British Muslims Caught Amidst FOGs – A Discourse Analysis of Religious Advice and Authority
By Usman Maravia In this blog entry, I will provide an overview of my latest article which explores the writing style of Islamic advice texts on COVID-19. The issues that were addressed in these advice texts were related to the topic of mosque closures, funerary rites, fasting during Ramadan, and suspending Friday and daily prayers…
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CASS Briefings

CASS: Briefings is a series of short, quick reads on the work being done at the ESRC/CASS research centre at Lancaster University, UK.
Recent Post
- Corpus Linguistics and Law: Reflections of a Legal Scholar and recent Master’s Graduate from Lancaster University
- Gaining Momentum: A Scholar’s Journey Through Corpus Linguistics at Lancaster
- Constructions of weight loss in British and Australian newspapers
- Open Advanced Methods Research Group
- Exploring New Horizons in Corpus Linguistics: Lectures, Workshops and Partnerships in Shanghai
brazil claire hardaker elena semino islam Islamophobia learner language metaphor metaphor in end of life care paul baker spoken BNC2014 tony mcenery Trinity Lancaster Spoken Learner Corpus trolling twitter vaclav brezina
- Ambassadors
- Anatomy of a troll
- Applications of corpus linguistics
- Big data media analysis and the representation of urban violence in Brazil
- Blogs
- BNC2014
- Call for Papers
- CASS Affiliated Projects
- CASS Briefing
- Challenge Panel
- Changing Climates
- Comparable and Parallel Corpus Approaches to the Third Code
- Distressed Communities
- Events
- General
- Hate Speech
- Healthcare
- iCourts
- Jobs
- L2 language corpora
- Lancs Box
- learner corpora
- MA in Corpus linguistics
- Maritime Security and Piracy Discourses
- Media
- News
- Newspapers
- Newspapers poverty and long-term change
- Post Event Summaries
- Research
- Spatial Humanities
- Spoken BNC2014
- Summer School
- Trinity
- Uncategorized
- Understanding Corporate Communications
- Urban violence