More on drought: The ENDOWS project
We are thrilled to announce that our latest bid was successful – ENDOWS: ENgaging diverse stakeholders and publics with outputs from the UK DrOught and Water Scarcity programme. The ENDOWS project will capitalise on the outcomes from four existing projects within NERC’s UK Drought and Water Scarcity programme (Historic Droughts, DRY, MaRIUS and IMPETUS) to…
CASS Changing Climates project presented at the University of Turin
It was a great honour and pleasure to present CASS Changing Climates project to an engaging audience at the University of Turin last month, on 27th April 2016. This was the 8th symposium on ‘Energy and Power: Social ontology perspectives and energy transitions’ as part of a UNESCO Chair programme in Sustainable Development and Territory…
A tribute to John Urry
It is difficult to find words to express how shocked and deeply saddened I was with John’s early passing. I have worked with John for the past two years on a research project on climate change that he led with so much enthusiasm and interest. One of his ‘obsessions’, he would say. Being a linguist by…
Corpus compilation: working paper now available
We are pleased to announce that the CASS Corpus on Urban Violence in Brazil is now ready to be analysed. It contains a total of about 5,127 articles (1,778,282 words) published between Jan-Dec 2014 by four Brazilian newspapers: Folha de São Paulo, Estado de São Paulo, Zero Hora and Pioneiro. This working paper explains the…
Changing Climates and the Media: Lancaster workshop
The Lancaster workshop on Changing Climates and the Media took place last Monday (21st Sep 2015). This was a joint event organised by the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS) and the Department of Sociology, Lancaster University. The workshop brought together leading academics from a wide range of disciplines – sociology, media studies, political…
Changing Climates and the Media
The ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS) and the Department of Sociology are pleased to announce a one-day symposium on Changing Climates and the Media taking place at Lancaster University on 21st Sep 2015. This is the end-of-grant event of the CASS project on Changing Climates. The symposium will bring together leading academics from various…
CASS Corpus Linguistics workshop at the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS, Brazil)
Last month at UCS (Brazil), the CASS Corpus Linguistics workshop found a receptive audience who participated actively and enthusiastically engaged in the discussion. The workshop was run from 27-28 May by CASS members Elena Semino, Vaclav Brezina and Carmen Dayrell, and perfectly organised by the local committee HeloÃsa Feltes and Ana Pelosi. This workshop brought…
Big data media analysis and the representation of urban violence in Brazil: Kick-off meeting
The first meeting of the project took place earlier this month at CASS, Lancaster. This kick-off meeting brought together the Brazilian researchers Professors HeloÃsa Pedroso de Moraes Feltes (UCS) and Ana Cristina Pelosi (UNISC/UFC) and the CASS team (Professors Elena Semino and Tony McEnery, and Dr Carmen Dayrell) to plan the project’s activities and discuss the…
Welcoming the new members of the Climate Change team
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Marcus Müller from the University of Heidelberg (Germany) and Dr. Maria Cristina Caimotto from the University of Torino (Italy) have kindly agreed to join CASS Changing Climate project, led by Professor John Urry. They both will have a lot to contribute to the project. Their experience and language…
New working paper on “Changing Climate and Society: The Surprising Case of Brazil” now available
Why is Brazil unique when it comes to climate change? Brazil is a major emerging economy and it is the sixth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases. However, its fossil fuel-based emissions are low by global standards. Brazil has been innovative in developing some relevant low carbon ways of generating energy and pioneered significant transport innovations. It…
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CASS Briefings
CASS: Briefings is a series of short, quick reads on the work being done at the ESRC/CASS research centre at Lancaster University, UK.
Recent Post
- Constructions of weight loss in British and Australian newspapers
- Open Advanced Methods Research Group
- Exploring New Horizons in Corpus Linguistics: Lectures, Workshops and Partnerships in Shanghai
- CASS’s innovation programme: New features in #LancsBox X
- Words, words, words: A new Frequency Dictionary of British English
brazil claire hardaker elena semino islam Islamophobia learner language metaphor metaphor in end of life care paul baker spoken BNC2014 tony mcenery Trinity Lancaster Spoken Learner Corpus trolling twitter vaclav brezina
- Ambassadors
- Anatomy of a troll
- Applications of corpus linguistics
- Big data media analysis and the representation of urban violence in Brazil
- Blogs
- BNC2014
- Call for Papers
- CASS Affiliated Projects
- CASS Briefing
- Challenge Panel
- Changing Climates
- Comparable and Parallel Corpus Approaches to the Third Code
- Distressed Communities
- Events
- General
- Hate Speech
- Healthcare
- iCourts
- Jobs
- L2 language corpora
- Lancs Box
- learner corpora
- MA in Corpus linguistics
- Maritime Security and Piracy Discourses
- Media
- News
- Newspapers
- Newspapers poverty and long-term change
- Post Event Summaries
- Research
- Spatial Humanities
- Spoken BNC2014
- Trinity
- Uncategorized
- Understanding Corporate Communications
- Urban violence